....DVD Feedback 1
DVD Feedback 2

....DVD Feedback 3

1. lightening fast delivery!! Just got the DVD last night!! Very nice to see

digital quality skydive video... The footage of Omar, Steve & Greg flying

into the second plane is freakin amazing!!!!

Thanks again for the great service and amazing product!


2. hey joe...

kevin e lange here, got the good stuff dvd late last week from you: thanks

for the quick delivery! just want to say good work! i am a newbie to be

sure, so seeing those at the pinnacle of the sport is indeed inspiring.

that first viewing, it was just chills, up and down the spine... very

emotional. hey, and some of your commentary was hilarious, particularly

when you were describing the satisfaction of tossing a car out the back of a

skyvan! "pure satisfaction... it's art..." and it is. i relish those as

yourself who understand that there is an intangible value to an audacious

expression of the internal through magnificent outward endeavors... (boy,

that was an interesting sentence!) but yeah, and the rob harris stuff was

beautiful. i will check out more about him as you mentioned on the


the dvd does a wonderful job of expressing the freedom of skydiving. you

have some great sound design at the end of the flyboyz sequence where there

is a bit of a flange and one of them is saying something (voice over) along

the lines of: 'we are living kid dreams... when you are a kid, you dream of

flying...' but yeah, a wonderful moment. i mean, i am an emotional guy for

sure, but some of the stuff in there... just beautiful, and i was on the

verge of tears. the whole thing is... you know... whuffos... whatever

anyone thinks... there in moving images... you did a great job of expressing

why it is worth it. even beyond that, there is a physical manifestation,

there on the tv screen... a paean to the meaning of skydiving; the meaning

of life. hey man, it got me all philosophical! good work! keep it up!

blues my friend!

kevin e lange


3. G'Day from Downunder Joe!

Good to see that Good Stuff is out on DVD - and it's been fun watching the

"debate" rage on Rec.skydive. Do you know if your DVD will be coming out in

PAL, or will it only be NTSC? I've just replaced the TV and DVD that moved

out with my ex, and I dont know if they'll play NTSC. I love my good stuff

vid, and would love the DVD, but $90 australian is a lot to spend on a

potential drink coaster ;)

Can you lemme know?

Cheers Joe,

Craig Trimble




I just plain loved the story of you and Rob Harris getting together and

competing. I dabbled with skysurf 5 years ago, and when I was just starting

to get the hang of it a guy still on student status came over one day, and

asked what he needed to do for me to teach him how to surf - it was the

reason he'd started jumping. Over the next few months as Rob qualified for

his licences we got together occasionally and he worked on some freestyle

moves to get ready for the board. He built himself a beginners board (what

a brick - it weighed a ton!), and couldn't wait to jump it. Finally on new

years day he cranked out his hundreth jump, and his first skysurf. Within a

couple of weekends on the board he was doing moves on my inter board that I

couldnt get near. I ran out and got a digital camera (my trusty PC10), and

we teamed up. Four years and a thousand plus jumps together later we've

been to a couple of world meets,

trained away every $$$ we been able to afford, spent countless hours in the

shed making boards, suits, camera helmets, mounts, and generally having a

great time. I really related to the storys of you and Rob Harris as wide

eyed boys at competition - I'll never forget jump run Round one of the world

meet... Hopefully one day we'll taste the sort of success you guys did, but

we've already been lucky just to have been there and done what so few people

(even other jumpers) experience. A little team of two taking on the world

can be lots of work, and an incredible amount of fun, and it was great to

read the sort of fun you guys had. Vale Rob.

Anyway, enough rambling, off to my day job, gotta pay for this weekends

jumping ;)

Cheers Mate,


4. Some people even had the Balls to knock Mother Teresa, she was the greatest

humanitarian of our time.

Joe, you have inpired many people in our sport ( including me) and still

continue to amaze us today. That Schmuck that talk bad about you stands alone.

You & your work, Rock! So when do we see "Good Stuff" II ?


how could you compare me with Mother Teresa, i mean good lord, imagine her in

freefall, carving around with helmet mounted cameras?? i'm sure she inspired

many, but how many has she impired? pullin your chain, bro - but it really

doesn't bother me - i've seen movie critics tear huge productions apart - it's

just the nature of putting your stuff out there; some folks won't like you or

your work. "good stuff" II? whoa... gotta raise the kids first... might be a


ciao amigo!

... I imagine YOU in a nuns outfit right now.....MUUAAAAHHHAAAAA

To bad that Jan Davis isn't with us anymore...she'd put up a nice

picture of you in her wreck.skydiving gallery....

Besides that....couldn't care less who filmed this "Good Stuff".... if

Mother Teresa or some arrogant dude ...... it's just AWESOME good stuff.

Dude...now I need a Dell ... with a DVD player.....

keep it up Joe!

blues @nne

That altered ego was already taken by NunAnn. A damn fine one it was too.




Hehee...I know...I refused the "nun title" so she got it!

Jan could have made a white nun's outfit for Joe...just as Mother Terese

was wearing....no?

blues @nne

If you had been paying attention I'm sure you would realize

that Joe would want a yellow nun's outfit :o)




to see Ann in her habbit :) go to


>Ann you coming too?

Do you mean NunAnn or me?

I won't be there! I guess I'll never make it. :(

I have to leave for Germany soon and I might even have to leave for

good! Some laws are inhumane. Life isn't good. blues @nne


guess i'd kind of be like the flying nun... lots of places to mount cameras on

the hat too! put a couple of swoop cords in the outfit and get some real

flying power... how about we do an article about the dvd on your web-site?


Whatcha think! Sure thing! I'm working on the new issue right now.

It'll have three video/dvd reviews...yours is one! <vbg>

blues @nne

Well your advertizing is working, I just placed my order ;-)


I posted these on uk.rec.skydiving

(we use PAL not NTSC and I wasn't sure if the DVD would work on my system)-:

I've received a Good Stuff DVD and it is 'Good Stuff'

Joe sent me a DVD stating that if it worked I paid for it and if it didn't

work on my DVD player but did on a friends then I could keep it for free -

how's that for customer service .

It only took about five days to arrive from the states.

> Where did you order from Brian?

I e-mailed Joe himself to ask if he was doing a PAL version , which he

doesn't so he sent me an NTSC version on a 'try before you buy' basis, but

you can order from his website .

I haven't worked out the exchange rate yet so I cant tell you how much in


It only took about five days to arrive from the time I e-mailed Joe .

The quality is excellent and there are some really funny clips on it for

example two skydivers going out the back of a plane on a complete set of

lounge furniture and their actually watching TV !!!!!

Most recent widescreen TV's will accept NSTC and the DVD is region 0 so it

should be no problem, my Panasonic DVD ( not a top of the range one) and JVC

windescreen TV play it no problem.

It might not be to everyone's taste but I think Its brilliant but that's

just my opinion.

Nice one Joe, excellent service.


To me it looks as if not only the video is "good stuff"...the arrogant

dude is good stuff too!

blues @nne
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